Friday, June 18, 2004

Dialog with a Christian Postmodern – Conclusion

Continuing in that vein, I asked, “Jane, you certainly have some views on abortion and homosexuality that conflict with scriptures. I was wondering how you reconcile your beliefs with clear biblical truths?”

“Alex, you know that since I left my old church I’ve been on an ever-growing spiritual journey. As God and I continue to work out my personal theology, I am always amazed at how often my intuitive (and I believe, Spirit-led) thoughts are affirmed by others. Often, that which I considered original thought, appears in a book, or I hear someone else express it, or I see something in the natural world that illustrates a concept.”

(Notice the postmodern themes of personal theology, truth by feelings, experience, and community!)

As I patiently listened, she continued, “The truth I know and accept is just this: TRUTH is a person and not a set of beliefs, moral absolutes, doctrines or a creed. Truth as a set of beliefs is exclusive, but TRUTH in the person of Jesus Christ is inclusive. I would also like to suggest that the basis of tyranny, like church violence past and present, has also been absolute truth.”

(As I was reflecting about all of the recent Barna surveys, I was thinking that Jane would have been one of those Christians surveyed to say they did not believe in absolute truth. I then felt a heaviness, realizing how far off center these very sincere people can be and how great our task ahead!)

“Jane, I will agree that Truth is a Person, inclusive to all. But that Person also established a set of truth claims that are exclusive towards counter claims. Dozens of times in each Gospel Jesus introduces us to those prepositional truths when He says, “I tell you the truth…”

Interrupting, she said “Look Alex, to be His followers, all we have to do is look at His life! It is so very simple. We don’t even have to agree on the words he spoke; His life spoke much more loudly than His words.”

I immediately thought, ‘What a bunch of self-refuting prattle!’ Trying not to look too condescending (and probably not succeeding!) I said, “Jane, that line of reasoning self-destructs. If we ignore what Jesus said in favor of what He did, we in effect throw out His whole ministry because His life was lived in complete congruence with His words. Also, think about His statement, ‘The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.’ If His statement is true, His words are of the utmost importance. If not, He doesn’t even deserve our attention, much less our respect and worship.”

At this point our discussion tapered off as Jane’s response indicated that her personal theology hadn’t budged. (But who knows? It’s all up to Him!) We did agree to pick this up again in the future and I pray that some of God’s truth will seep in by then. In the mean time she will be in my prayers.


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